
Theft is Property! —READING GROUP

Resuming its activities in 2024, That Might Be Right continues its trajectory of supporting alternatives to the present. Let’s get together to read, talk, and think about the challenges of this current moment in history,…

We Want Everything —Reading Club KFDA

‘We work too much and enjoy too little’ a worker of Fiat comments. The workers strike that started at Fiat in 1969 and later became known as the Autunno caldo [hot autumn] were not merely…

Abolition Geography —TEACH-IN

Want to understand what ‘the prison industrial complex’ encompasses, how it interweaves with ‘racial formations of violence’ through police for example, and what an ‘abolition praxis’ can bring forward in order to move from prison…

Revolution at Point Zero

Let’s get together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life. In six sessions we will read texts by Silvia Federici written between 1975…

The Age of Surveillance Capitalism

Let’s get together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life. In six sessions we will read The Age of Surveillance Capitalism by Shoshana…

The Labour of Laziness

Together with Steyn Bergs and Sofia Céasar we are formulating a workshop on laziness and its potential, yet contradictory, subversive character. The Labour of Laziness explored the ambiguous, complex, and contradictory valences of the mood…

The Robbery of Nature

Let’s go outside and continue to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life. In three online sessions and hopefully three in real life sessions…

Colonial Lives of Property

Let’s get together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life.  The coming years That Might Be Right will study what is called primitive accumulation; the…

TMBR Assemblies – In Your Own Backyard

That Might Be Right and Corridor Project Space presented three collaborative assemblies in Amsterdam and Brussels. In my own backyard assembly 20/12 | 19h – 23h + Not In My Backyard Garden Party! PRESENTATIONS Amber…

TMBR Assemblies – Chapelle Sessions

Together with David Bernstein we searched for the shapes an assembly can take. Dubbed the Chapelle Sessions the takeover brought us new voices and faces but above all a futher exploration of how we can…

TMBR reading group – Caliban and the Witch

Getting together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life. The TMBR Reading Group will focus on on the 21st century critical theory from…

R.adical I.deas T.o C.hange S.chool

We were part of the RITCS Winterschool. In collaboration with Christoph Meierhans we enlivened the revolutionary spirit in the students wih R.adical I.deas T.o C.hange S.chool. Working, eating and discussing together: that is the RITCS…

TMBR Summer Camp!

The search for new cultural practices does not come without effort. We have to explore and experiment together in order to come to a co-operative, autonomous, and critical potential of the arts in society. The…

TMBR Assembly – Labour Day

Presentation and discussion on the contemporary artistic ecology; the influence and effects of neoliberal policy on cultural practices and institutions, the really existing counter practices and the potential alternative proposals. Followed by presentations of artists…

TMBR Readinggroup – Testo Junkie

Getting together to read, talk and think about our contemporary constellation and potential practices that might constitute new forms of life. The TMBR Reading Group will focus on on the 21st century critical theory from…

TMBR Assemblies

TMBR assemblies are organised on a regular basis. By creating moments of collective interpretation, reflection, and exploration we hope to stake out the field for a cultural practice that is concerned with life and the…


STEWDIO, an irregular and unexpected series of evenings with performances hosted by That Might Be Right in collaboration with David Bernstein. STEWDIO – Driving the Blues Away Thursday 23 November 8pm STEWDIO @ TMBR presents…

BORDERSCAPES Borders from the Margin to the Centre

On Friday 15 September, That Might Be Right presented the video installation Borderscapes: Borders from the Margin to the Centre, in a field on the border around the Brussels Capital Region. For Borderscapes: Borders from…

Between The Sheets

That Might Be Right organized a month of intimate summer presentations Between The Sheets in the garden. Artists, curators, architects, writers and researchers presented their work, thoughts and/or interests.       Assembly 4 /…

TMBR reading performance event

That Might Be Right supported an evening of reading performances with Abla elBahrawy, Michiel Huijben and Paoletta Holst during FESTIWOL at experimental art space W-o-l-k-e in Brussels. W-o-l-k-e – ( ABLA ELBAHRAWY – ( Abla’s…


That Might Be Right proposes eavesdropping. Every two months we invite you to join us to visit a place of work in and around Brussels. Work is a major part of every one’s life. As…


In a world fully known and mapped UTOPIA CAMP wanted to rediscover our environment. We traveled out into a new found land, a place that not so long ago gave form to the hope and…

Walking Archive / Nuit Debout Bxl

Walking Archive is a common project based on a format developed by That Might Be Right in Theory but Does Not Work in Practice. Walking Archive is conceived as a simple on-the-move rucksack that grows…

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